Google Shows Startups How to Master SEO in 10 Minutes

How to become Master SEO in 10 Minutes

Are you bother about adding meta keywords tags in your website code so that your site appear at first in the Google Search Result. Then don’t worry about it because the company says that Google Search neglect it. 

Google has launched a video on how to become a seo master in quickly. The video advice how  small businesses with main web content on less than 50 pages looking to rank only a handful of related search terms. In this video you will learn about how to add the best keywords and including analytic code on your site to how to approach marketing in general,

Its great to have a fancy and beautiful website layout so that the visitors would attract to our website. The Google Search Crawler does not index the site layout but to index the content of your website. You must add relevant keywords in your post that is best for your post. In this way the keywords will act as query for search as a result your website will appear at the top of search result. 

For example, companies that sell athletic footwear should include terms that are likely to be typed into search, such as "running shoes." 

Each Page should have a 100% unique content, Meta Tag and Meta description  that appears below the link listed on the Google search results page. Meta tag or keywords should be added in the file name and typed with lower case letters. 

The anchor text for every link should also be clear and use keywords, whether they are linking to your site or another. This means that "click here" is not descriptive enough phrase to highlight with a link. Instead, it should be "product specifications" or something that better matches the link with the content. 

Consider other majors points also: Do not hire any rogue or shady SEO provider if they guarantee rankings, and.Don't use link schemes or buying links to increase  Page Rank. 
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